Monday, February 24, 2020

Plato, Euthyphro, Plato, Apology, Plato, Crito, Martin Luther King, Essay

Plato, Euthyphro, Plato, Apology, Plato, Crito, Martin Luther King, Letter from a Birmingham Jail, Plato, Meno, Plato Phaedo - Essay Example There are many lessons that modern day philosophers can learn from Socrates and his commitment to seek Knowledge through Philosophy. One important lesson derived from the experience of Socrates devotion to knowledge and truth. Socrates is one of the few individuals to die for what they believe in. This teaches modern philosophers that no other external force should be able to stop one from seeking knowledge and truth, even if it means death (Morrison 123). Through his life, Socrates sought knowledge by raising questions about almost anything, giving lectures and holding public discussions in order to help other people understand philosophy. Socrates also challenged conventional actions in the society by questioning everything in order to evoke critical thinking among Athenians. Socrates urged people to examine their own lives in order to fine good purposes for living meaningful lives. Socrates behavior a philosopher is engaged with Athenians at different levels through intellectual discussions that aimed at unveiling meaningful truth and knowledge. His behavior provoked people to become critical thinkers. From what is documented in the Apology and Phaedo, philosophy is all about seeking knowledge through raising fundamental questions that will lead to an understanding of the society and everything around us. It is necessary to live a Socratic life in order to be a true philosopher. Thus is because Socrates provided a good example for one to seek knowledge. This is based on acceptance of one’s ignorance and willingness to learn. The Socratic Method refers to a dialectical approach of seeking knowledge through raising and responding to questions in a discussion with other people. It involves a debate where a particular point of view is critically analyzed open-mindedly in an attempt to unveil new knowledge and

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Managerial Economics Week 6 Individual Work 1 Assignment

Managerial Economics Week 6 Individual Work 1 - Assignment Example However, the decision may be affecting passengers and the public. The policy of increasing charges luggage fees can increase revenues for airlines. U.S. airlines collected more than a billion dollars in baggage fees for overweight bags, or extra bags in 2008. The revenue was an increase of 148 percent from the previous year. From a managerial perspective, the decision by U.S airways to charge $25 luggage fees for first checked bags was the best decision for the airline. Fluctuating oil prices are a major constraint and limiting resources that affect decisions of most managers. Given the high operation costs for maintaining an airline firm in the market decision such as developing luggage fees may become beneficial to the airline. Managers in US airline decided to charge luggage fees as one of the best alternative to solve the problem of increased costs of oil and operational costs for the air travel. Airlines are companies meaning they need to make decisions that boost their revenues. Increases in revenues enable airlines to remain competitive in the industry. The increase in oil prices is an evident phenomenon all over the world. The world economy is also unstable. Volatility in oil prices and world economic downturn are some of the biggest challenges the airline industry has to face today. Increased o il prices and security costs are major reasons explaining operational losses for many passenger airline companies. It is because of such costs that airline companies such as US airway decide to implement revenue generating fees for services that traditionally were part of the air ticket prices. The fact that charging luggage fees in enraging passengers a lot raises many questions, for example, should the U.S. airway and other airline firms continue charging luggage fees or should they include the fees in the ticket price? While most passengers accepted